Thursday, 12 April 2018

Reasons to be Cheerful: Family Memories, Photos and Film #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart

We have been so busy this week that I have just realised that its Thursday so linky day! The lack of blog posts is due to working on my YouTube channel. I also had to go to Manchester to collect my final studio portrait... I hope you will join in and share (I have a feeling I need to visit a few of you still from last week...). Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Videoing with my daughter:

I recruited my daughter to help me film the latest fell race at Elterwater. She used 2 of my cameras and her phone to record the action in the bog whilst I was on the hill:

Not only did she do a great job but she also assisted an injured runner in the under 13 race. Here is one of our videos:

2) Family memories

After tea with my aunt and uncle we were treated to seeing some slides from the 1970s of baby me and my brother as we grew up. I was a real chubster:

I also visited Chorlton cum Hardy and could show my son the places where my mum grew up:

3) Bedroom mission

Not only did I manage to dismantle and sell the redundant high sleeper I even found the original fittings in time:

This means that plenty of progress has been made to make the best use of the 2nd largest bedroom to make it multi purpose:

4) Birthday Tea

I had a lovely time celebrating a friend's birthday whilst enjoying delicious food:

5) Photo Shoot

It was hard just choosing one from the fabulous 48 photos but in the end I chose this one as it was safe enough to share! I would like to point out that I am wearing a corset and not naked...

Join in with the things that are making you happy this week!
1. Lakes Single Mum (host)  3. oftencalledcathy  5. michelle twin mum  
2. Sarah  4. Midlife Singlemum  

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